I founded the Indie Game Reading Club in 2010. I've written and developed RPGs since the mid-90s, now I mostly talk about playing them. View all posts by Paul Beakley
4 thoughts on “Pitchcar emmer effers! Rubbin’ is racin’.”
That looks like an awesome game.
Matt Bohnhoff it’s fun! But a little expensive and sometimes hard to find.
I thought the prices on Amazon looked ridiculous. I’ll just have to hope it becomes mainstreamed like Settlers of Catan or something.
That looks like an awesome game.
Matt Bohnhoff it’s fun! But a little expensive and sometimes hard to find.
I thought the prices on Amazon looked ridiculous. I’ll just have to hope it becomes mainstreamed like Settlers of Catan or something.
Check at coolstuffinc.com