17 thoughts on “Oh damn!”

  1. YAY. #OpinionsIncoming  

    Seriously, though, I look forward to your thoughts.

    You’re inundated with games this week, eh? Stellars and two GMT beauties? You’re in trouble, me thinks.

  2. That’s a fair amount of COIN games there. I am awaiting my copy of Falling Sky. Seems like GMT takes forever to ship once the stock comes in. (Or, it just seems that way.)

  3. Moe Tousignant It’s pretty great if you’re looking for a particular experience. They’re not easy! But they’re not hex-and-chit stack games either.

  4. Shervyn von Hoerl I haven’t played Falling Sky yet but I’m experienced with the COIN system. Don’t know what specific tweaks they’ve made to this one but I’ve loved all the COIN games I’ve played so far.

  5. Falling Sky is pretty different. A Distant Plain is still my favorite of the series, but FS is right after Cuba Libre in terms of teachability.

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