Lucky! The Toc Toc Woodman aka Click Clack Lumberjack Kickstarter delivered in time to make a nice family gift. Played it once, great little dexterity game.
Posted on by Paul Beakley
Published by Paul Beakley
I founded the Indie Game Reading Club in 2010. I've written and developed RPGs since the mid-90s, now I mostly talk about playing them. View all posts by Paul Beakley
Kickstarter? Was there a new version released?
Moe Tousignant yeah, arrived a couple weeks ago. I think it was just a straight reprint. Lots of bling options but I just signed up for the basic.
Oh wow, just looked it up on Amazon, had no idea it was out of print. Picked up a copy a couple years ago for under $20. Had no clue it was rare for a bit there.
I wanna play a game of Dread with it. 🙂
The axe is very on point for Dread.
Tore Nielsen everyone will be removed from play sooooo quick. That log is unforgiving (but fun)!
You can play Golden Axe easily enough.