It doesn’t require the same players. In fact you could have two different players playing the same “class” and because of how they level up they’ll play slightly differently.
I feel like (having finally broken mine out NYE/NY) this game really sideloads the “prep” … whereas for D&D the DM generally has to do a decent amount of prep this the only prep is setting up and taking down. Can’t wait for my organize to come in… I’m tempted to just leave this on the table in the meantime.
And regarding D&D not always requiring prep… that’s only true if you are a Master DM and literally have 1000s of hours of prep under your belt… If you’re fairly new to DMing, and/or aren’t great at improv, and/or don’t have the Monster Manual(s) memorized (or access to some sort of CR based Encounter Generator) it’s going to generally take about 1-8 hours of prep for a 3-5 hour session.