Hellcold day 3, family is keeping their distance, so I took a swing at solo A Feast for Odin.
They say breaking 100 in the solitaire game is hard but I just got 123. Pretty sure I didn’t even cheat!
I grabbed Iceland as early as I could and it paid big time. I maxed out my income by the fifth round, I think, pulling in 26 bucks each turn. When you can just pay to carpet your lands in money, it makes it pretty easy to score big.
Then again the solitaire game is quite different, yeah? Like, nobody else is chasing the exploration tiles.
I don’t have the rule book in front of me, but when I was taught a couple of months ago, I was taught you had to fill in all the squares from the bottom left, to be able to build to the top right, on the lands. So that those empty spaces to the left and below the shield wouldn’t have been allowed. If I was taught wrong, that would explain why I thought the game was too long and hard.
Yeah, you can’t leave tiles below and to the left of income squares uncovered before covering an income square.
Wait like NONE of the squares? Or just the squares to the immediate left and bottom of the income squares? Because then how would I reconcile that with the “you can put stuff anywhere” rule?
Hold on I’m looking this up…
Oh fuck AAAAALLLLL spaces below and left with. Yikes. Totally cheated!
Yeah I totally cheated.
Paul Beakley I’ll admit , your way is a hell of a lot easier! 🙂
My personal best solo is, I think, 150 something.
Well it’s only my second game. I’ll go easy on myself. Sure learned a lot about grabbing an exploration tile early. Maybe. If I can’t actually jimmy up some good early income using THE ACTUAL RULES it might be hard.
Paul Beakley Oh yeah, it took me probably 4 or 5 games before I got everything all right. I still occasionally look a pics of older games and see illegal placements.
Dammit. Now I want to break it out and play again.
I’m glad to have discovered it and disappointed that I didn’t discover it sooner.
I think I was so turned off by Caverna that I had an Uwe grudge for a couple years.
Paul Beakley I’m not a fan of Agricola at all. Never played Caverna. Actually, AFfO was my first Uwe game that I enjoyed. I think it’s the Tetris-like aspect of it and that there’s so much to do that even in multiplayer games, I have a viable strategy that hasn’t been completely blocked.
Dianne’s memory FTW!
Paul I truly enjoy your posts and keep them all tucked away to look back on when I am buying new games. Thanks a bunch!
Hope you feel better soon, I had ConCrud last month which was the first cold I have had in almost the year.