Echo Sedano: Prologue

This is the first fiction out of the Starforged game I wrote about last week. I cover my setup there. It's an experiment! Maybe you're not in for fiction, and that's fine. I've also embedded discussion of the game mechanics that led me to write what I did, which you may find interesting or helpful… Continue reading Echo Sedano: Prologue

Starforged: Echo Sedano

I fiddled a bit with Shawn Tomkin's Ironsworn when it came out a few years ago. Skeptical about the solitaire play concept, I discovered that, yeah, it works! He's made a ton of innovations to the PbtA framework to support it, and it's not for everyone, but yeah. Mechanically and creatively, you can absolutely do… Continue reading Starforged: Echo Sedano

Deep Dive: A|STATE

We’re deep into a campaign of Handiwork Games’ second edition of a|state here with no signs of stopping. I was just about to leave Forged in the Dark games behind but a|state convinced me to stick around awhile long. Let’s dig into how a|state redeemed FitD for me. a|state is available in PDF from DriveThruRPG… Continue reading Deep Dive: A|STATE

Hammers In The Night: FitD 101

I’ve been elbow-deep into Forged in the Dark games here for the past several months. I ran Court of Blades for the IGRC online convention in December, and now I’m several sessions into the excellent second edition of a|state from Handiwork Games. Right now I think it’s best in class on many fronts, the current… Continue reading Hammers In The Night: FitD 101

A Tale Of Two (and a half) Trophies

When is a game “published” anyway? Is that even the right word these days? “Released?” I’m old-fashioned. In my dumb head, a game isn’t really out in the world until there’s a dead-tree book available for purchase. Even if 80% of my new game purchases are PDF. Like I said: dumb head. There are two… Continue reading A Tale Of Two (and a half) Trophies