The optics, they're bad. So...I indulged in a lot of retail therapy when the lockdowns started. I backed many games. Too many, one might argue. But if you've ever participated in a crowdsourcing campaign, you know how it diabolically gives you multiple serotonin hits: first when you back it, later when you spend the money,… Continue reading Q1 Reviews (Part 1 of many, sob)
Author: Paul Beakley
Echo Sedano 5
Another chapter of using Starforged as a fiction oracle. Things are getting weird! Lots of exploration but I'm getting itchy to start seeing some meaningful conflict appear. Start from the Prologue if you want to read from the beginning. Quickly revisiting the mechanics Now that I have a better grasp of the relationship between pacing… Continue reading Echo Sedano 5
Echo Sedano 4
A short session this week. The procedures are still prominent but producing interesting prompts. If you're just now finding this, the story starts at the Prologue. I'll keep injecting the mechanical bits per the rest of the series. My takeaway with this session is that Starforged is designed to deliver good gameplay, not necessarily good… Continue reading Echo Sedano 4
Echo Sedano 3
Part three of my Starforged fiction! Catch up from the beginning here: Setup. Here's the rest of it: Part 1, Part 2. This session is quite a lot more mechanically intricate than the previous two, which was interesting. Trying to balance good narrative against interesting gameplay. Let me know if you think I hit a… Continue reading Echo Sedano 3
Echo Sedano 2
This is a continuation from the previous entry of my Starforged-inspired fiction project, which I posted last week. As such I don't think of it as a new "chapter" and didn't trigger any start of chapter stuff. If you want to catch up from the beginning, the setup is here. Mechanical notes are in the… Continue reading Echo Sedano 2